0 votes
by (1,389 points)

Hello, can someone advise what is the best place to complete Bandit bestiary? Bandit This one is a bit annoying so I'm looking for decent place.

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (435 points)
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Well, I did Bandit's bestiary at Dark Cathedral -1 floor, toguether with Smuggler, Wild Warriors, Centipede, -2 with Assassin, Dark Monk and Witches. By my screenshots it was rapid respawn, and had to kill a few more at the spawn near Outlaw Camp.

2/3 completed

EDIT: Just saw my previous image I'm not at the right place, might have used fire bombs at the spawn and kept walking. This is the right place:

You can find more about Bandit here: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Bandit
