Ferumbras is one of the most known bosses on Tibia , and its very very hard to get the kill and loot on it. I saw some people that being even 300 lvls lower than the maximum level in the room they got the boss and the precious hat that it has always as loot to the winner.
But which is the best strategy for mages to try to win it? Im meaning on all the combos , battle list dispose , equipment and all the hints you could know to get the more chances to win it.
NOTE: Im meaning the Ferumbras boss that appears twice per year in the citadel.
It is good to use an energy bomb directly under you if possible at a distance according to the size of the earth wave . And go out to get close and launch strong ice wave and launch ultimate ice strike .Always keep releasing SD's too . Do Mass Healing to heal the greater amount of players this increases the odds even more.
It is good to use an energy bomb directly under you if possible at a distance according to the size of the energy wave . And go out to get close and launch great energy beam and launch ultimate energy strike . Always keep releasing SD's too and many's energy beam .
Use mastermind potion (+3)or Tropical Fried Terrorbird (+5) if u have, and the best equipment to upload ml which you have including Ring of Green Plasma and Collar of Green Plasma . Put utamo if is neccessary.
I do not recommend using the ULTI SPELLS (Rage of Skies , Eternal Winter ...) to maintain a constant cooldown and ensure more damage without breaks per shift.
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