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I'm not really sure, but the loot of some bosses (like WZ bosses) drop base on the damage inflicted, but ek's will always deal less damage than other vocation, is there anyway to win those kind of bosses? like getting more damage of the boss or somthig... what is the best way possible?

1 Answer

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by (2,208 points)

There are a few aspects (don't judge me if I miss any) to considerate when it comes to fighting a boss, first of all if its a reward system boss or a Strategy boss. What I mean with this difference is that:

Reward System bosses: The rewards are assigned randomly and it doesn't really matter what estrategy you used to fight it, such as Oberon, or Scarlett Etzel.

´Strategy' Boss: Bosses that will only give the best rewards to people who dealth more damage or got more involved in the fight. by doing more things.

Other aspects to considerate are:

-Healing your team and yourself while fighting the boss
-Using field runes and magic walls near the boss area
-Being damaged or wounded by the boss
-Applying every strategy to defeat the boss and participating as much as you can in the fight.

So, considering all this I'd say the best way to win a boss as an EK, is to block its damage and getting involved in the fight by using bomb runes and magic walls, do not only focus on the damage. As every action counts for most reward system bosses nowadays, by blocking it, healing yourself, trying to nail your combos and not miss one for the sake of damage dealing and using mwalls when and where its needed (if its close to it, better) but if its a "One shot only" boss like Ferumbras. Then yeah you gotta be extremely lucky and damage it more than the rest in that single shot you have.
