+3 votes
by (5,796 points)
There is no "auto fishing" in Tibia and neither you can use some sort of "training fishing rod" like the exercise weapons... So how can I develop my fishing skill in a fast way? What are the tactics and strategies to make my character better on fishing? For example: Should I fish the same field of water multiple times? Using items that improve my fishing skill while I fish makes my skill go up faster? Catching a fish makes my skill go up higher than fishing and don't getting anything?

3 Answers

+3 votes
by (5,070 points)

Fishing skill formula

Number of tries required to advance to next fishing level:
Number of tries from fishing level 10 to x:

First you have that formula to know the time you will need to spent to advance in that skill.

To do it faster and easier you can set fishing rod in a hotkey and put the option "use with crosshair". Remember to have always worms with you.

by (173 points)
bro, where did you get that formula? it dont look to work by now, i kinda cant see what you mean... can u repeat it? thx a lot
+2 votes
by (7,037 points)
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Best answer

The only way to grow up your Fishing Rod.gif Fishing Skill, is taking your Fishing Rod.gif Fishing Rod and a lot of Worm.gif Worms  and go to the sea to fish.

If you use your Fishing Rod in a X sqm and it have a Fish.gif Fish you gonna see grow up your skill even if you dont catch the Fish.gif Fish. When you get the Fish.gif Fish of that X sqm change to other X sqm. So if you try Fishing in a X sqm who don't have Fish.gif Fish the skill don't progress.

Also remember if you use Items like Northern Fishburger.gif Northern Fish Burger (+50 Fishing Skill by 1 hour) it just gonna help you to catch every Fish.gif Fish more faster (Need change more time to the sqm), but the skill gonna progress as regular. This because the Fishing Skill works with every try (Dont care if you catch or not the Fish).

+1 vote
by (3,816 points)
The best way of fishing is to fish the same spot until you get a fish then move to next spot because after you get a fish your skill doesn't go up anymore... Using items that improves fishing skills only makes you get the fish faster not actually makes your skill better, because the long it gets to get a fish more the skill go up.