+4 votes
by (195 points)


Artwork by Cipsoft, showing a player fishing for one of the energy spheres. A focus on the fishing rod used in the artwork, it looks much more like a mechanical fishing rod than a regular fishing rod.


During the fight against Arbaziloth there are certain moments (referring to percentages of his health bar) when it is necessary to make him pass over a purple flame and weaken his skin, in order to “fish out” one of the energy spheres embedded in his body.


The attempt to fish out the energy counts towards increasing your fishing skill (or at least it was counting until then), so much so that there are reports of players increasing their skill in the middle of a fight.


The point is that sometimes, even with 5 players, this process sometimes takes up to a dozen turns, and in the case of smaller teams (or even solo players), there is a possibility that this mechanic will significantly delay the fight. Since when you fish your skill advances, one question remains:

Does your fishing skill influence the probability of activating the mechanic and correctly “fishing” the energy sphere speeding up the fight? Remembering that the time gained would mean much more for small teams or solo players.

by (1,954 points)
Good question, but I don't think so. I'm the only one in my PT who has a high fishing skill (86), and sometimes it takes a while for him to become vulnerable again. And many times I'm not even the one who "fishes" the sphere.

1 Answer

0 votes
by (14 points)
I did this boss with different teams and the fishing mechanic went fast every time. Too fast to even notice if fishing skills can actually have an impact. A few things to notice:

Arbaziloth can dodge the fishing rod.

Arbaziloth does not have to be standing on the fire in order to have spheres fished out of him, but it does have to step on the fire at least once each time its health stops dropping.

Once a sphere is fished out, you will lose target. That’s how you tell if a sphere has been fished out.

The quickest way to fish out a sphere is to put the fishing rod on a hotkey and spam it on Arbaziloth over the battle list.

If you are doing the hard boss, once the Forgemaster has left the room you no longer need to fish the boss. Sometimes it will look like the boss is taking no damage but that’s only because it has a lot of health and it can cause Powerless on players, which makes his health go down even slower. But fishing it during this phase is useless since its spheres will have all been fished out already.