+3 votes
by (1,322 points)
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The charm expansion costs 450TC. It allows to have no limit on the charms that are active at the same time, but you can only have one charm active per creature at a time. It also gives 25% discount when removing a charm from a creature.

I would like feedback about whether it is worth buying, because then I suppose that it should be bought as soon as possible.

It would be interesting also to receive feedback from experimented high level players who have tried it, so that we can benefit from their empiric based opinion (to know how often they remove creatures, etc.).

4 Answers

+1 vote
by (4,161 points)
In my opinion, it's worth buying as soon as possible. I did it and I don't regret it. I bought it a long time ago and I already know that it was a good purchase because I have already returned the purchase costs because I change the charms all the time. For me It is hard to hunt all the time in one and the same place  the more that it still unblocks bestiary. So it depends only on you. It's worth it to me.
+1 vote
by (7,017 points)
In one word, YES.

First of all this is one of the most cheaper options from Tibia, at the end with this 25% of discount you can recover the amount you pay by the expansion (With time, but its possible).

Second this can help if you have a good level have some charms and your server is full and need change of spot, you can active certain charm and keep other in the creature do you want, because you dont have limits in the amount you can active at the same time.
+1 vote
by (5,046 points)
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Best answer

It is Up to you and your way of hunting.

 I bought It a month ago and I do not regret about it. 

I already had bought 8 charm runes, and as I like to hunt several respawns I needed to remover some runes all the time, so I decided to buy because at the end the money that you will save when you remove the rune will eventualy compensarte what you payed for the expansor.

If you are a person that like to hunt aaaaalways the same respawn, don't buy It, 6 runes are enough to hunt most respawns.

Hope I helpedcheeky

0 votes
by (5,070 points)
In my opinion yes , I change a lot the charms  and at the end with that expansion I afford some good cash so for me is worth it.
Try to find your needs and see that in the future is worth for you in terms of hunting and economy.