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by (5,730 points)
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As we can see on the cyclopedia the charm Scavenge increases the chance to get a successfully skin/dust on a skinnable/dustable creature. I want to know if it's worth it to spend 1500 charm points to unlock this charm and what is the best creature to use it on?

Thanks in advance.

2 Answers

0 votes
by (7,037 points)
To me it doesn't worth, first because others Charm have more value in hunts, with more damage, more defense, more survivance and exp on a second point, the are only few creatures like Demons and Vampires to use this charm and get some profit, on third point you need lost some time to use the Obsidian Knife so it can decrease the exp/loot per hour too, to the end the price of 1500 charm points is too high by the value.
0 votes
Despite that Cipsoft has change number of points from 1500 to 800 charm points to unlock it on the Summer update 2020, it is still considerate as a last charm to pick up and not worth it.


- most of the dusting and skinning products are cheap,

- consequently, the swap between monsters would cost you more than your income from it

- dusting and skinning is slowing down your hunt, if you would be playing in team- Iguess you would be pressured to stop it by less patient team mates. Also by slowing down hunt, your hourly income would drop as you would kill less mobs.

- people prefer to invest charm points in charms which increase efficiency of the hunt- defence and offence

- it would be worth of considering if it would drop to 500- for dust collectors

I guess this charm would be better of with keeping it on 1500 or even 2000 cost of charm points with better chance of dropping rare items.