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by (5,730 points)

As the topic says, on Tibia there is some mechanics to defeat bosses and do particulary access, my question today is focused for those creatures that "Shared Life" where the attack you give is shared between them. I'm especially interesting to know what is better with the Shards of Magnor in one of the mechanics to defeat King Zelos.

What is better to focus, AOE or Single target?

As always, thanks in advance.

1 Answer

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It's AOE, if you hit one gfb on Zelos you can hit 4 creatures at the same time, and there is chance for 4 crits, so 4x50% more dmg, so let's say 4x 400dmg=1600 or 4x600 on crit=2400, even if SD's were working in this place as a 700 ed I would hit for around 800-1200max, so it's clearly better to AOE.
by (5,730 points)
Heya! Thanks for your answer.