+1 vote
by (5,796 points)

Where can I find these mobs to kill for bestiary? Apparently they were roaming around Ankrahmun desert today but not always they are there...

2 Answers

+3 votes
by (1,355 points)
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They only spawn after Horestis has been slain.

You have three of them right outside north exit at Ankrahmun, here, I usually kill them on the way to scarlet etzel :D

Four of them here

Another three here

Probably even more around ankh..
by (5,796 points)
Really? Just these? Man this is a complicated bestiary entry so :o

Horestis dies pretty often? Or the frequency of it may vary? If yes, I should pay attention to it!
by (1,355 points)
Guess it depends on the server, i've been killing the honour guards daily on the way to scarlet etzel, tbh I thought they were there all the time cus they were always there for me xD
But yeah the server has to kill horestis for them to spawn, they seem to be scattered all around ankrahmun though
by (5,051 points)
it will take you for ever to end this if you do it just killing the surface!!!
+1 vote
by (5,051 points)
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Best answer

Best place is to do this bestiary is Inside Horestis Tomb.

When the server has broken all the basins and opened horestis tomb, several Honour Guards appear inside its cave.

You can check if they will be there from the outside, asking to the npc of the entrance about the 'status':

  • An Ancient Priest: I'm the caretaker of this tomb. I also know these parts like the back of my hand - just in case you need a status update.
  • Ninsubur [183]: status
  • An Ancient Priest: Horestis's body has been desecrated. His curse now hangs over the land like the shadow of the vulture. Abandon all hope mortals, his vengeance will be dreadful.

I did the bestiary there super fast in the fast respawn, at the same time that I did the Grave robber and the Crypt defiler bestiaris:

by (1,355 points)
By the looks of your pics it looks like its also spawns of 3x~ in the tomb, so it seems more or less the same as the surface, although the ones in the tomb most likely spawn closer & obviously all creatures is gonna be faster during 5x respawn ^^
by (5,051 points)
Nono, It is not in those spots only, It is around all the cave. I just took the pictures as example jeje. But I think It is better to do the bestiary there than in the surface, don't you think so? You do 3 creatures at a time ;P
by (1,355 points)
I would agree ^^
by (5,796 points)
Amazing answer, Beix ^^