+1 vote
by (4,384 points)
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I've been scrolling my bestiary list (I have an excel with every creature).

and I filtered what I haven't done... then I found those 2 names in there:

  • Furious Troll 
  • Troll Legionnaire 


And I realized that I've never seen those creatures before. On wiki it says they are located in Beregar.

But tbh, I'm not familiar with Beregar at all, and I guess most people aren't...


Can someone show us a map on how to get to those creatures? 

Also, is this really the only place they are located? 

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (439 points)

image  Furious Trolls: Can be found in the old mine of BEREGAR, It is easy to find if you reasearch the quest (The Hidden City of Beregar Quest, or the Royal Rescue Quest)

imageTroll Legionnaire: Almost the same as the Furious Trolls, While doing the quest ''Royal Rescue'' to gain the dwarven legs, you can find the resp of this creature. 

by (2,271 points)
Just to add this... If youre a low level, bring lots of healing supplies... the monsters there put out a surprising amount of damage
by (4,384 points)
I know is in Beregar, since I even mentioned this in the question itself... but as I said, Im not familiar at all to beregar, could you show a map on how to get to those trolls?