+4 votes
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Is the Third Prey Slot (900 TC) worth it? 900 TC can buy you 90 prey wildcards, which can be used to select a specific creature 18 times. The benefits of a third prey slot comes from the fact that you can free random rolls every 20 hours, as well as the possibility (or force select with prey wildcards) to select a third creature. Additional factors to consider include the gold coin value of 900 TCs, which could be use to reroll your existing prey slots with gold instead of selecting with TC, and that players receive 2 free prey wildcards a week.

If the Third Prey Slot is worth it, when should one purchase it? As soon as possible? Or after you have purchased most of the equipment you will be using (best in slot, as opposed to niche equipment)?

8 Answers

+3 votes
by (4,336 points)
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If you have third prey slot you can choose 3 x creatures so for example if you like to hunt Roshamuul

you can choose: Choking Fear Choking FearRetching Horror Retching HorrorSilencer Silencer. And you can lock your monster on two ways

1) Automatic bonus reroll (1 Prey wildcard) 

2) Lock prey (5 Prey Wildcards)

To be honest if you have enough cash and you need damage boost, damage reduction, bonus experience or improved loot on all creatures it is nice way to hunt. But remember it will cost more and more if you have favorite hunting place. I have two prey slots but my favorite place to hunt is Falcon Bastion so it is enough for me. I suggest to buy equipment first - it will change your exp per hour also..

+1 vote
by (4,162 points)

In my opinion, it's worth buying as soon as possible. I bought it as soon as it came out i don't regret it at all. It is very useful when you go hunting for more than 2 monsters. For example :

• If you care about experience and you hunt for Feru seal  in the team and set :


and for each monster you have set full exp with 40% more exp then it really makes a big difference.

I recommend setting all 3 preys to exp 40%, when you activate and use them all, try not to use them to the end!

Leave a few minutes and roll the monsters, then you will not have to use cards every time!

You will save a lot of cards in this way so you can spend cards (5 pieces) on blocking a given monster, roll every day for free or for cash without losing 40% exp on prey. This also applies to prey on loot or def.

I recommend this way anioł

0 votes
by (5,051 points)
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I bought it a few weeks ago and I would do it again, no doubt. But for me as you said there were other priorities: I bought my set full, I also bought the charm expansion, and then this.

What I like is that most days one of the 3 slots give me some creatures I can hunt.

It is up to anyone. I would not buy It as soon as possible but yes when you have extra money to spend.
0 votes
by (4,311 points)
I bought it long time ago and tell you it totally worth, though it's way expensive it woths. At the first months I use the third prey slot only for prey of loot 10 stars, it use to increase my loot at Ghastly Dragons between 30-40% average, it means that I took about 50 hunts there to pay the third prey slot (considering Tibia Coins as 20k, price from that time).

The others answers gave to you a good explanation of others reason to open it, just woul like this, so you can recoup your investment in few months depending how much do you play.
0 votes
by (5,689 points)
In my opinion it is useful because there are often several types of monsters in place. It's expensive, but I think it's worth it if you can afford it.
0 votes
by (7,037 points)
It's worth because at the end you gonna have it by the rest of your Tibia Life your other option (select a specific creature 18 times) have a limited uses, so when you use all o them the price gonna be more and more. If you have the chance just go ahed and buy it.
0 votes
by (1,582 points)

From all "premium items" which you can buy in store (like gold pouch or coin converter) third prey slot is most useful and will give you the most benefits, gold pouch also cost 900tc but is less useful and in my opinion too expensive unlike third slot and as the people said before me some places is much better with 3 slots (rosh, isle, cata, seals)

0 votes
by (6,736 points)
If you spend a lot of time on hunting - third pray slot is rather something that you MUST have. It's also good for your team when you choose damage pray on monsters.

I totally reccomend it for 500+ lvls and even lower, because benefits are really visible :)