0 votes
by (4,316 points)
Hello dear Tibians!

If I buy some product at Store and do not like it, can I return it and refound my Tibia Coins?

If yes, does it can be made to all Store prodcts? How many days do I have to give up my purchase?

5 Answers

+2 votes
by (1,322 points)

Indeed, furniture or deco items cannot be returned. I tried and they told me it is not possible due to technical limitations.

However, you can return a mount. I did it once, but they told me it was something I could do only once.

I leave you a link from the tibia website where they elaborate on the matter: Tibia support.

(As an additional note, I could also return tibia coins, which I bought in the store when they were non-transferable. So they refunded me so I could buy them from a reseller. Now you can buy transferable coins directly on the webshop).

+1 vote
by (5,689 points)

Yes, You can do this only once in the whole transaction history, up to two weeks after buying the item. It is assumed that e.g. you can test mount / outfit and if you don't like to return it. Of course you will get your money back :)

this would mean that you can only return one item.

+1 vote
by (5,051 points)
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Best answer

It depends of the item.

For example you can return once items as: hirelings, hireling's outfits, outfits, mounts.

But I think that for furtinure they don't return, or at least they didn't to me once that I bought something bye mistake

by (4,162 points)
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So if we can return mounts outfits etc thats was no fair if we can't return a furinure :(
by (5,051 points)
I tryed to return the carnivora plant, and they refused, and a few days ago I returned 2 hirelings outfits that I had bought.
No real sense for meee, but this is how it happened to me
+1 vote
by (5,327 points)
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There are few products that are refundable:

- Mounts and outfits purchased within 14 days, afterwords are non-refundable and can be done only once per account.

- Hirelings, Hirelings Dresses and Hirelings Jobs- purchased within 14 days, afterwords are non-refundable and can be done only once per account.

- Express Character World transfer - no time limit.

Source: https://www.tibia.com/support/?subtopic=gethelp&topicid=5

0 votes
by (4,162 points)
I agree with the answers above. I will add that you can return a purchased item from the store only up to 14 days. After 14 days you cannot return anything.