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by (41 points)
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i am starting a new sorcerer i cant decide what outfit to buy. smiley

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7 Answers

+1 vote
by (4,336 points)
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I have bad news for you :/  Prepare your wallet!

The best outfit for sorcerer is:

Famale - Summoner outfit Outfit Summoner Female Addon 3.gif

Male- Mage outfit Outfit Mage Male Addon 3.gif

If you want cheaper version:

Famale - Mage outfit Outfit Mage Female Addon 3.gif

Male- Summoner outfit Outfit Summoner Male Addon 3.gif

by (5,689 points)
nothing important to add 100% right :D
+1 vote
by (4,162 points)

There are many outfits to choose from. It's hard to choose. It also depends whether you want to spend a lot of money. But I will give you a some examples :

  Mage Outfit - This outfit is in my opinion the best for the sorcerer, as you can see it fits perfectly. But the price for Ferumbras hat is really high.

Conjurer Outfit - You can buy the outfit in Store. If you don't have money for a Mage outfit I recommend buying this one :)

Elementalist Outfit - It's also one of the expensive outfit. But not the same as in the case Mage outfit.

 Wizard Outfit -  This outfit is great too. His skulls resemble a DEATH. He was always dangerous to me laughIn addition, it is very cheap.

Yalaharian Outfit - There is also one of the cheaper outfits. I like his staffs that he keeps.

by (3,843 points)
Perfect options for a sorcerer type of outfit :D
by (4,162 points)
Thank you i like it also :D
+1 vote
by (1,355 points)
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There are so many outfits in the game right now & its all about your own taste, so my suggestion to you would be to go over to https://www.tibiawiki.com.br/wiki/Outfiter and play around with outfits and colours until you find something you like :)

I personally dont like the ferumbras hat that much, and I think that if it wasnt worth what it is now then players wouldn't crave it so much.

These are the Basic, Quest & Store outfits ive chosen for you as a master sorcerer!


0 votes
by (5,051 points)

I am in love with the tournament outfit: Void master with addon 1, but this one can be only bought with tournament coins.

Outfit Void Master Female Addon 1Outfit Void Master Male Addon 1

My second option would be Mage outfit for women, and Wizard Outfit for men:

Outfit Mage Female Addon 3 Outfit Wizard Male Addon 3

0 votes
by (7,047 points)
  • From game:

Mage Full

  • From Store:

Conjurer Full

  • From Tournaments:

Void Master

0 votes
by (718 points)
I prefer "small-look" outfits like an assassin, mage (without feru hat) - it looks so deadly and scary with skull above the character. Big outfits make me feel slower and less smooth I would say :)

But my favourite for mage is full summoner (Red Cape, rest completely Black)
0 votes
by (6,736 points)

Mage and Summoner Outfits fits perfectly, but in my opinion for sorcerer the best is Wizard Outfit. It highlights the power of death which is specific for sorcerers.

If we are talking about Store outfits - Conjurer, Chaos Acolyte and Evoker are good for this vocation.
