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by (2,208 points)
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I've raised curiosity since the next double respawn event is close and its a good oportunity to farm a lot of charm points, which would be the best charms for me to unlock? I already have Wound, Zap and Freeze, but I have no idea what to unlock next and why? Does it have anything to do with the places I regularly hunt, if so, the places where I normally hunt are: Ferumbras' Plague Seal, Oramond west raid, and deeper Banuta.

2 Answers

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by (4,384 points)
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IMO charms are not very effective in Banuta and Oramond West, since most creature have really low HP, the extra damage dealt is not that big..

For plagueseal I'd say you got almost everything you need:

  • ZAP = Hellflayer
  • FREEZE = Grimeleech
  • WOUND = Plaguesmith

You COULD unlock ENFLAME and add it on Defiler but tbh... not worth at all. Enflame costs 1,000 points and Defiler has low HP and low density at plagueseal, won't make any difference. You could also use Enflame at Banuta, but as I said, is not really a place that charms makes a huge difference...

If I were you I'd unlock POISON next, because it is cheap and can be useful in some situations, such as Deathlings, Falcons and Ice Elfs.

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by (4,311 points)

Normally I consider the best option for mages this:

  1. Freeze
  2. Zap
  3. Poison
  4. Woud
  5. Enflame
  6. Curse
  7. Adrenaline Burst
Now, based on what you hunt and the charms you already have, I would say Inflame is you priority now followed of Poison.