I made some research about the formulas to answer your question.
To spell and rune damage this is the formula "Damage = (lvl . 0.2) + (mlvl . x) + y" where X and Y is:
Instant attack spells
Max damage: x=2.203,y=13
Min damage: x=1.403,y=8
- Divine Missile

Max damage: x=3,y=18
Min damage: x=1.79,y=11
- Ice Wave

Max damage: x=2,y=12
Min damage: x=0.81,y=4
- Fire Wave

Max damage: x=2,y=12
Min damage: x=1.25,y=4
Rune attack spells
- Light Magic Missile

Max damage: x=0.81,y=4
Min damage: x=0.4,y=2
- Heavy Magic Missile/Stalagmite

Max damage: x=1.59,y=10
Min damage: x=0.81,y=4
- Icicle/Fireball

Max damage: x=3,y=18
Min damage: x=1.81,y=10
- Holy Missile

Max damage: x=3.75,y=24
Min damage: x=1.79,y=11
- Sudden Death

Max damage: x=7.395,y=46
Min damage: x=4.605,y=28
- Thunderstorm/Stone Shower

Max damage: x=2.6,y=16
Min damage: x=1,y=6
- Avalanche/Great Fireball

Max damage: x=2.8,y=17
Min damage: x=1.2,y=7
Other spells like energy beam, great energy beam, divine caldera, terra wave, energy wave, rage of the skies, hell's core, wrath of nature, and eternal winter
min: (lvl . 0,2) + (mlvl . c)
max: (lvl . 0,2) + (mlvl . d)
The values of "C" and "D" vary between 2.5 and 25.
To melee weapons
the formula is "Damage = (0.085 * d * atk * skill) + (lvl * 0.2)" and to distance weapons
the formula is Damage = "(0.09 * d * skill * atk) + (lvl * 0.2)" where:
atk = Weapon's attack
d = Damage Factor:
Full Attack: 1
Balanced: 0.75
Full Defence: 0.5
So if we are talking only about damage and not other benefits of the level, the skill influence more.
It is always good to remember that initially the skill or ml levels can be obtained easily, but at higher levels, it may take hours or days of training to only support one level
NOTE: The cipsoft does not publish the formulas, so all information is based on observed values.
Source: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Formulae