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Ovbously it the depends on the respawn and stuff, but in general, what vocation scales better to level 1k in terms of damage
by (1,534 points)
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that's a tricky question per se, i really thought  a knight would always do more damage than a paladin disregard on the lvl. due a paladin have to  do 38 attack damage + modifiers + spells to obtain aoe damage, most of the ek damage in the other hand comes from aoe spells that scale with melee skil, while paladin spell/rune damage scale with magic lvl and never would do as much damage as ek spells, about the overall damage rp have a permanent 37 atk dmg ammo which would be considerably lower than ek rotation spells damage, but have weapons with a lot of atk modifier being +8 soulbleeder, which turns in overall 45 damage which is closer to ek spell damage, using the damage calculator of this post https://www.tibiaqa.com/4858/what-impacts-the-damage-more-level-or-skills that would end in 686 average damage from auto attack + spell/rune damage (with 120 dist and no extra modifiers), so i did some researchs and the interesting thing is how damage should work in diamond arrow, if is taken as is in the formula the scaling damage from lvl outdamage the scaling damage from skills that a knight should obtain due isn't nerfed with the atk damage, if this is true rp base damage at higher lvls would be higher than ek spell average damage, .

That said, while rp damage in lower lvls 600-  is affected due the ammo reducted damage (to counterpart its aoe damage) this must be not true at higher lvls where the base damage from lvl reduce considerably the gap between rp auto attack damages and ek spell damage, then this only turns worst due paladin is able to still use spells/runes which at some point ends doing higher damage than ek spells that's maybe the reason why now ek have extra damage source from set, and all this without taking into account paladin taking twice charms which at  stronger mobs is more effective

a quick example, a neutral charm in a 21k mob (let's say wound in ice cold book) does 1050 damage in a rate of 1/10 attacks, all other vocation does 1 aoe attack per turn and ea turn last 20s, so ea mob have 1 chance to activate charm ea 20s which ends as 52.5 dps, in rp this is simply twice the ammount, which ends as 111 dps, a lot of damage per second difference right? now, if this same thing is applied in a 4k hp mob it would only do 200 damage per mob ea 20s in average vocation which is 10dps, 20 in paladin case, any vocation can easily outdamage that difference with the usual firepower and of course paladin would still lack enough firepower at lower lvls.

So after a quick research the summary is devasting for ek, if all that's true the higher the lvl the lower the gap between rp auto attack damage and ek spell damage which at some point beats ek total dps due rp spell/rune dps
 ( considerably before lvl 1000), so seems like in any scenario, at lvl 1000 rp beat ek in damage.

i won't add this as an answer due a better one could be developed with proof and stats, but basically that's all what u need.

1 Answer

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by (126 points)
This question must be focused in two terms,  

Massive mobs or Solo creature damage (boss)

The Solo target Damage is easy to answer, RP is the best Vocation to deal damage to 1 target only.

But on Massive Mobs is different, Diamond arrow Damage is 38, not bad but when you keep scaling it become more visible to see the difference on damage.

As main RP i could tell you that comparing with some knight friends, I could argue that Knights do more damage on Massive mobs.

Hope this analysis help you.
by (18 points)
In my experience, I (490 RP) play with a friend (580 EK) and there has never been a place where he deals more damage than me. He is 115 axe and I 122 distance.