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by (41 points)
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With the recent update we got a new options for sets, what kind is better?

3 Answers

+2 votes
by (5,051 points)
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Best answer

As sund said, it depends of the situation.

Some Examples:

  • Falcon bow Falcon Bow vs Bow of cataclysm Bow of Cataclysm.gif
    • The falcon one is better for places where you need the fire protection, as summer court. Actually it is good in any place for hunts.
    • The bow of cataclysm in my opinion would be cool to be used in pvp when you are under a maker attack to tank longer and easier
  • Falcon Coif Falcon Coif vs Terra HelmeTerra Helmet.gif or Cobra hood Cobra Hood.gif
    • Falcon coif can be used to hunt anywhere (but it works better in places where you need fire protection) with mana + attack skills imbuements, or to increase your total damage if you imbue it with mlvl + attack skills imbuement.
    • Terra helmet: It has only 1 slot and earth protection, so if you already got the falcon this could be used in respawns where you need earth protection.
    • Cobra hood: This one is worse than the other 2. It has 2 slots so I am not sure if it will be possible to imbue it with mlvl as well
  • Falcon circlet Falcon Circlet vs Galea Mortis Galea Mortis.gif
    • Circlet: useful when a mage need fire protection. Both, sorcerer and druid can use it.
    • Galea motis: Only sorcerers can use it. Useful tanking sds.
  • Falcon rod Falcon Rod vs Cobra rod Cobra Club.gif: I find this 2 pretty balanced, I mean the additional mlvl of the falcon, for me the cobra is as good as the falcon because of that life leech it has.
  • Falcon wandFalcon Wand vs Cobra wand Cobra Wand.gif:In this case I think it is better the Falcon one, it can be imbued with a higher percent of critical than the one that the cobra got, and more Magic level.
by (228 points)
Yes, exactly the same imbuments.
by (5,051 points)
wooooooooooo wait, cobra hood accepts magic level +2?!?!
by (228 points)
Yes, it allows magic level imbument :)
0 votes
by (5,070 points)
Falcons is still the better items in the game, the reason are the stats , if you compare falcon items with the new ones there is no doubt that falcons are better in averall.  The new ones can be better maybe in a very specific cause, but in general Falcons > Cobra items
0 votes
by (232 points)
Situationally some items are better. First, that comes to mind is Cobra Axe which gives ice damage - perfect for knights hunting best spot in the game - fire library.  

Cobra hood is a more offensive version of Coif so if EK is comfortable at some spawns like feru seals or skeletons he can use it. Coif is still great at the library and when you need more defence.

The club is a nice option as it has fire damage but it's not as good/ universal as ice in axes.

Other items I don't think are that great.