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Hello guys,

I've got a question, which crossbow is best for bosses like Ferumbras? Umbral master crossbow, which has +1 distance fighting and +2 atk more than cobra crossbow or cobra crossbow, which has +1 range and +2 hit chance more than umbral master crossbow?

Which crossbow would you use to win/get better loot from boss like Ferumbras and why? There is a higher chance to miss with UMC, but of course if you will reach the target, you should deal much more dmg than cobra crossbow. There is a higher chance that you can miss the hit/lose boss, but on othet hand - higher chance that you will win, if your hit will reach the target.

2 Answers

0 votes
by (332 points)
Short answer:

Umbral Master Crossbow (Powerful Critical and Powerful Precision).
Due the damage difference you can get, it's worth the gamble.

Go wild or go home!
0 votes
by (1,557 points)

Let's see the example you give us, the boss Ferumbras.

The range might not be a problem, you just must avoid the edges of the room.

So, if we have both crossbows with the same imbuements, the chance to deal a high damage is using Umbral Master Crossbow, since it has a bigger atk and distance.

The true is to get the best reward it depends more if you will deal some critical damage or not, and if you are fast enough to hit more tham once the boss.
