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by (85 points)
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hey guys im wondering what amulet is better to wear while duo hunting falcons. sleep shawl or pendulet?

2 Answers

+3 votes
by (1,528 points)
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I personally prefer the Enchanted Pendulet (EP) because it's kinda cheaper. You can recharge it for 2 hours whereas the Enchanted Sleep Shawl (ESS) lasts 1 hour. So in terms of cost, an hour of hunting with EP is 1 silver token and with ESS would be 2 silver tokens.

The difference in physical defense is 2% and the armor difference is 1, but if you don't plan to hunt full box, and plan to run and hit the monsters with diamond arrows, it doesn't really matter, so still, I would use the Enchanted Pendulet. 

To try to justify the answer with data, I got some damage estimates from a hunt I found on youtube1, and the following table is the damage the player received during the 14 first minutes of the hunt: 

Based on this data, the following table shows the damage deducted by each enchanted protective item:

Type of DamageDamage ReceivedEP protectionESS protection
Total protection43622.6240407.02

Based on that information, the Enchanted Pendulet shows to give more protection than the Enchanted Sleep Shawl for a hunt on Falcons, while also being the best cost/benefit option.

Take into consideration that the video shows the RP is already using the EP, so the physical and energy values are already reduced (meaning the values for EP protection would increase). 
by (1,534 points)
ESS last 1hour, not 30min.
by (1,528 points)
Thanks, I am changing it
by (85 points)
ty bro such a good information love it :)
by (1,528 points)
you are welcome :D
0 votes
by (1,534 points)

I use and i would recommend sleep shawl over pendulet, firstly  because sleep shawl gives more stats both elemental (24% over 18%) and physical (7% over 5%) so hand by hand sleep shawl is way better than pendulet (only trouble is that last less), second reason is due overall damage of paladin is way higher physical than energy

Melee 0-250, Royal Spear (400-550) Bolt (200-550), avg 125 + 475 + 375.
Energy aoe bolt (350-450), Energy beam (250-350) avg 400 + 300.

So either way each point of physical resistance is more useful than elemental resistance even taking into account only falcon paladin, finally if weren't by the +3 distance then prismatic necklace were way better than enchanted pendulet too. 

Stats source: 
Tibia Fandom wiki

by (85 points)
thanks bro, indeed its a nice perspective. Im trying both today.
by (1,534 points)
the answer above mine have some points on favor, if you are running them then earth protection isn't as useful (due u can avoid most earth damage) EP would then protect more due most of the energy damage is unavoidable (target skill) should be different if you fullbox them due earth bersek would land 100% and does more damage, it also depends on your eq, stacking too much items of the same protection reduce considerably their % so you could take both things into account and rework the question to what you need the most
by (181 points)
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I think this advice is bad.
2% physical protection is garbage and will only give you 1% due to diminishing returns with other physical protection gear. Youre sacrificing 18% energy protection for 24% earth protection; but you take 50% less earth damage from falcons. Makes no sense you will take more damage overall, what the hell man.

Prismatic necklace is terrible too because they run out too quickly and therefore cost much more gold than using a pendulet, you gain 5% physical protection but you spend 200k+ worth of prismatic necklaces per hour.

Pendulet is the best necklace to use in falcons, you would only use a shawl if you don't have an earth imbue on your armor (should have energy & earth on your armor via elven mail or gnome armor) - and even then I would recommend you still wear a pendulet and get your earth protection through lion spang/vine bow instead.
by (1,534 points)
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you should consider that the only reason why u take more damage energy is due target skill not really due energy does more damage, in average even if they cast x2 skill energy they can only cast 1 per turn as 1 physical per turn also both does a lot less damage, than earth berserk, so in a full box earth berserk would be a lot more dangerous than energy spells, also taking into account that energy beam even in full box is only 4 from 8, while x8 falcon knight is x8 earth berserk, you must take all that into account before expressing your opinion and considering "bad"* due you aren't agreed.

now lets do maths, using LSH + Gnome armor + soulpiercer + ring of souls + falcon greaves + soulwalker: ESS give 2% physical over EP

energy protection = 24.6% (if im not wrong that's still 24, but i would say 25 to be sure) using EP 8% if not
Earth protection = 27.8% (lets say 28%) using ESS, 5% if not.

So, while EP would increase 17%~ energy damage resistance, would decrease 2% physical resistance (total 23.4% from EP vs total 25% from ESS), also  ESS would increase 22.8% (23%~) of earth damage, so IN BOTH ELEMENTAL AND PHYSICAL RESISTANCE ESS PROVIDES MORE RESISTANCE, if we also take into account that in a full box Earth elemental is almost 100 damage extra above energy and would land 100% then in an equal resistance ESS would still be more worthy.

now the part that i hate the most is you saying that shawl would be useful only if you dont have earth imbue, i already explained that indeed if you are running energy resistance is more worthy, but if you are going to full box the worst thing that u want to get is resistance to a type of damage that is lesser, can be avoidable even in a full box and is casted almost eqaully than  a greater  damage (earth) that lands 100% in a box.