+1 vote
by (393 points)
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I have a druid and know what I am supposed to do in a 4 man group which is just healing over and over again and throw aoe runes and waves. What is the sorcerers role usually in a group? Do they just do damage or should I be doing other things while playing a sorcerer. I am talking about mid to higher level spawns such as prison or rosh ect.

5 Answers

+2 votes
by (4,311 points)
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Best answer

Edit 07/08/2021: Sorcer's role in team hunts was significantly increased with update Vocation Adjustments in 2020. New spells have been added: Expose Weakness - which increases the sensitivity of all creatures hit to all elements and Sap Strenght which reduces all damage dealt by creatures. 

Original content: It may vary depending on the hunt. Some hunt they will just attack (Skeletons, nightmare isle, deathling...), another they can help to lure monsters (prison, library, jugger seal). It all depends where and how are u hunting. In my party the sorcerer use to focus all damage, just a few places help with luring.

Of course, this answer is based on my experience, considering I do not play much let's see an opinion from other guys.

+1 vote
by (7,037 points)
I think on  main task:

1. Make damage, using waves, ue and runes.

2. You are the blocker number 3 (In case of emergency), save the Druid.

3. Another work you can do is luring monster to the knight.
0 votes
by (3,816 points)
The main point of the sorcerer is making the max damage as possible in every hunt so you need to know which element is weaker against the creature you are going to hunt but you also can lure or help the ED using UH’s or even protecting the ED carrying some field runes with you.

(Using some critical imbues or the wand of darkness spell helps a lot with damage too and most of druid players forget about it :p )

Anyway MS is do everything type of class except blocking creatures :s
0 votes
by (5,689 points)
It seems to me that the druid is there to heal and deal damage. If it is a person who can play well, this is to ED or MS helps to collect monsters for EK. In my case, it is more than a magical profession to complete the loot when the EK skipped something. It is also worth remembering about throwing a bomb, because some of EK throw them in front of you, mainly you should (:
0 votes
by (105 points)
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i'm sorcerer, and they always say i'm 'loaded' 'in hunts, but i'm' 'in charge' 'to do the most damage to kill faster and speed up xp