+1 vote
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The title is self explained. I just started in a new server and I don't have coins to waste in a exercise weapon or enough time to train offline to get a good skill.
by (51 points)
If someone can tell something about FACC zones to lvl too it will be very useful for the FACC players!

5 Answers

+2 votes
by (576 points)
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Since you say you don't have a lot of money, let's mostly consider spawns that are profitable yet decent experience.

The first spawn that comes to mind is Mutated Humans in Yalahar. Experience should be alright even with mediocre skills while you will make some cash collecting gold coins & creature products. It's also close to depot so refills will be rather quick.

Another good one would be Tortoises and Blood crabs on Laguna islands. The demand on bloody pincers will be big and turtle shells are always good to have. If possible try to grab a fire sword/fire axe (idk what kind of weapon you are using) to quicken the killing.

If you can't really handle thornbacks yet (how bad/good are your skills?) you can also head off to kill some apes in Banuta. Experience is not really great but you will make pretty penny from ape furs most likely.

Once your skills get better (you probably have been offline training for a bit now) you can also head towards barbarians. I have only tried the big camp so far which can be hard with bad skills, but if you pay attention and don't lure too much you will get some great experience there! You can also test your luck at the ice witch tower in the most southern part of the camp.

If you are feeling really old school you might just go and hunt cyclops either in Edron cyclopolis or Mistrock. You should really take a stealth ring for emergency situations though since getting blocked by smiths & drones can lead to a quick trip to temple.
+1 vote
by (5,070 points)

Scarabs of Ankhramun , Spikes on Kazz, Corym Black Market (Corym Black Market Video).

+1 vote
by (88 points)
Barbarian camps, scarabs, cyclops, Frost giant, rorc, mammoths, apes, pirates
0 votes
by (5,796 points)
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FACC zones? I can recommend two classic places: Outlaw Camp and Dark Cathedral. Of course, DC further deep floors are recommend only after you are past that level range, but these two places mentioned are easy to hunt, easy to hide lootbag, easy access mailbox (no need to have completed the Postman's Quest), reasonable profit with a somewhat good experience for Free Accounts. Kind of forgotten nowadays, but really good to hunt around.

Oh, and don't worry about the Giant Spiders from Plains of Havoc. They cannot be lured further from the plain anymore, you will be fine on the Outlaw Camp. If you want to go to Dark Cathedral, always travel by the Outlaw Camp, you don't need to travel across Plains of Havoc, just walk by the western most border after you already crossed Outlaw Camp, keep always close to the ocean. You will be safe and you see very easily the entrance to the Dark Cathedral dungeon.

The bad part is that Player Killing activity can be fatal if it happens to you there, but I can attest you that this place is way more safer on Open-PvP servers when compared to Mount Sternum Undeads or Dwarven Mines (personal experience).

Now talking about other places on FACC main, we can still say that there are great places to get money on earlier levels:

- Mintwallin (remember to activate your Mino's Task on it before engaging on intense hunts there. You will need Postman in order to maximize your profit)

- Mount Sternum Undeads

- Dwarven Mines (again, Postman's quest really helps there)

- Shadowthorn (excellent place for profit, Postman also recommended)

- Venore's Corym (very busy area, but with an excellent profit)

- Outside of Orc Fortress (At your level range). Start early on with the Rorcs, and try to eventually circle around the Fortress. Be careful when engaging with stronger Orcs. You can try go inside if you are close to level 60, but it will reduce your profit and can be quite dangerous, unless you got excellent skills and gear to help you. There is a Royal Mailbox inside of the Fortress, so Postman is once again better in order to send your lootbag to your personal depot.

0 votes
by (5,070 points)

From 8 to 60  you can hunt on this respwns , I think those respwns are the best way to get fast lvl without much waste , also you will get money on imbuements valuables.
