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I got messed up by cobras trying to find the bosses at cobra bastion.

i need a map of each floor with the room marked, where each boss is located, so i don't die again.

does such a thing exist?

1 Answer

+1 vote
ago by (41 points)
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It depends if your world has permanently opened the door at +3 or not.

If it's open, Captain Quaid is the easiest to reach, just get to the entrance at +3, walk to the south and cross the smoke:

Edit: there's a small mistake, the green path can't be followed because there's a wall on the right side, you have to walk through the wooden planks instead, but it's close enough.

Once Captain Quaid is dead, get ready for Gaffir on the floor below. You start by going downstairs on the blue circled stairs on the picture above:

First and foremost, this floor is quite dangerous. The room marked with a star is FULL of cobra viziers, so you have to rush to the fire sqm and cross towards gaffir. But there's also the encircled door in yellow, which requires key 0303 to open. Key 0303 is on the north room of this same floor, inside an skeleton. Be careful tho, opening it will trigger a curse on you that will make 8 cave rats spawn stacked into you every now and then. To remove the curse you have to throw something golden on the floor of that room. It may take few attempts. It's good to remove the curse because the rats could block you while running through the bastion.

Finally the hardest part, Custodian:

If you're going to run to it, you have to run non-stop, mapclicking somewhere in the middle and then at the room at the end marked with a rombus. Be careful at the choke point marked with a star, as if someone has opened the door to the south of that choke point, you'll have cobras coming at you from every direction.

Once Custodian is dead, a cart full of gold will spawn on the right side after fire. Custodian won't appear again until that cart is killed, so if you plan to farm the bosses for bosstiary, you'll have to make sure it's dead every time (a good way is to lure a couple of cobras onto it, and then use the right path to get to the entrance and repeat the lap).

In theory, the cart could drop something nice if you keep it alive all the way to the north and then kill it, but I haven't really looted anything from it so far.
