+2 votes

When using flasks with snake poison Flask with Snake Poison in the  cauldron, all the Cobras will start spawning with weakened- with less ~20%  of their total hitpoints/life. tDoes it have an effect also on the Mini Bosses like Gaffir Gaffir, Guard Captain Quaid Guard Captain Quaid, Custodian Custodian

3 Answers

+2 votes
by (153 points)
Best answer

When using Flask with Snake Poison Snake Poison in the cauldron, it has affect only on Cobra AssassinCobra Assassin, Cobra Assassin Cobra Vizier, Cobra Assassin Cobra Scout. 

It does NOT affect the Mini Bosses. Mini Bosses will still spawn with their 100% life. 

+1 vote
No, It will not reduce the Hitpoints/ Life of the Mini bosses. It will only affect  regular Cobra Mobs.
+1 vote
by (1,181 points)
The potion has 30min duration, and it reduce the life of cobra minions by 20%, it dont affect either mini bosses or ugly monster