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What are the best imbuements/equipment to use at cobra bastion as a knight 400+?

1 Answer

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by (5,318 points)
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If you do not have defensive preys- please follow defensive suggestions strictly and make sure you have two Powerful Snake skin protection.

If you have preys, got higher level or feel more comfortable with the spawn- you might swap for offensive suggestions. 

- Cobra Hood You see a cobra hood (Arm:9, sword fighting +1, club fighting +1, axe fighting +1, protection physical +5%).

Imbuements: (Empty Slot, Empty Slot).- Imbuements - Powerful Void + Skill improving (depending if you are Axe/Sword/Club user) For better offence

Alternative  You see a terra helmet (Arm:9, sword fighting +2, club fighting +2, axe fighting +2, protection physical +5%, earth +5%).
Imbuements: (Empty Slot). Imbuement - Powerful Void - Option for better defense. 

  Lion Plate You see a lion plate (Arm:17, sword fighting +3, club fighting +3, axe fighting +3, protection physical +6%).

Imbuements: (Empty Slot, Empty Slot). For better offence. 

alternative Falcon Plate You see a falcon plate (Arm:18, shielding +4, protection physical +12%).
Imbuements: (Empty Slot, Empty Slot)..- Imbuements -  - Powerful Vampirism +Powerful Snake skin - for Better defense 

 Soulbastion You see a soulbastion (Def:42, protection physical +10%, death +10%).

Imbuements: (Empty Slot). With Powerful Snake skin / Alternative is  Falcon Escutcheon You see a falcon escutcheon (Def:40, protection physical +7%, fire +15%). With Powerful Snake skin

Falcon Greaves You see falcon greaves (Arm:10, distance fighting +3, sword fighting +3, club fighting +3, axe fighting +3, protection physical +7%, ice +7%) / Alternative option.Fabulous Legs-  You see fabulous legs (Arm:9, distance fighting +2, sword fighting +2, axe fighting +2, club fighting +2, protection physical +4%, fire +2%).  - Greaves as first option due to better physical protection and skill. 

Pair of Soulwalkers- You see a pair of soulwalkers (Arm:4, sword fighting +1, club fighting +1, axe fighting +1, speed +15, protection physical +7%, fire +5%). Imbuements: (Empty Slot). / Cheaper option  Cobra Boots  You see cobra boots (Arm:3, speed +10, protection physical +6%).

Weapons:  Soul Weapons As a first option, second affordable options below: 

One Handed (two imbuements slots)You see a cobra axe (Atk:8 physical + 44 ice, Def:29 +2, axe fighting +2)You see a gnome sword (Atk:10 physical + 42 energy, Def:29 +3, sword fighting +2, protection energy +6%)
You see a cobra club (Atk:8 physical + 44 fire, Def:29 +2, club fighting +2).
Two handed (two Imbuements slots) You see a phantasmal axe (Atk:5 physical + 49 fire, Def:32, axe fighting +2)
 You see an eldritch claymore (Atk:6 physical + 50 fire, Def:33, +3 sword fighting, Cleave 3%)You see a resizer (Atk:11 physical + 46 ice, Def:33, club fighting +2).

 Moon Mirror You see a moon mirror (protection death +5%).

Terra amulet You see a terra amulet (protection earth +20%, fire -10%) that has 200 charges left. / Alternative  You see a collar of red plasma (sword fighting +4, club fighting +4, axe fighting +4, protection physical +5%) that is brand-new.

You see a prismatic ring (protection physical +10%, energy +8%) that is brand-new.

Cobra Vizier 1:

Poison Hit (200-400)

Chained Death Missile (600-900) - with around 50% chances of the activating by hitting creature. 

Cobra Assassin2:

Physical attacks:

Basic (0-500)

Eruption Ball on itself (350-500)

Sparky Beak (380-500)

Poison- Shorter Poison T- Wave (240-400)

Cobra Scout3:


Basic (0-450)

Groundshaker Box on itself (300-400)


Distance attack (300-500

Poison Ball in target (200-350)

1. https://tibiopedia.pl/monsters/Cobra_Vizier

2. https://tibiopedia.pl/monsters/Cobra_Assassin

3. https://tibiopedia.pl/monsters/Cobra_Scout
