+1 vote
I'm currently level 64 with 52 mlvl and getting ~140k/h raw exp with wand+ice strike.

I tried hunting them also with avalanches, but I'm not really a big AoE fan.

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (32 points)
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Venore Ulderek's Rock is also another option a lot of orcs there and some can't sense invisible so Stealth Ring is good choice, Orcs there mostly weak to Earth and Death, netural to Ice and some immune to Fire. If you go there DON'T say "hi" to The Orc King, it will summon a lot of monsters.

But ultimately if you dont go AoE your exp/h wont increase that much since exp/h is all about DPS when you have enough monster around. 

by (1,503 points)
If I’m not mistaken, Blue and Green Djinns require the quest to be completed. So unless you have been PACC and finished one of the sides, you won’t be able to access them.
by (7,048 points)
Yes, according to wiki
You need the Djinns quest to enter on this zones.

Removed thar part of the answer.