+2 votes
by (5,796 points)
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Demon class is a pretty big one, with lots of different mobs to face. However, what about the Demon class for Free Account players? Is there any option for Free account people? Some sort of viable hunting place or creature to play with? Asking that due to the bonus related to the Orcsoberfest event!

by (5,796 points)
TRIVIA: Demon Skeletons aren't classified as demons, according to bestiary... Tibia things, hahaha!

2 Answers

+2 votes
by (1,582 points)

The only demon monster available on the free account is fire devil, there are a lot of them on the spike sword quest and under the desert near venore.

+2 votes
by (5,796 points)
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Best answer

Curiously, there is just a single place with a decent amount of demon monsters for free account players! And this place is the Spike Sword Quest area!

You can see how to get there and how to walk around there by watching this quick video!

  • You will be in a small room, go down another level:Spike Sword Quest Map 01.jpg
  • In this room, you will need to pick a hole just to the south-west, as indicated on the map. Go down the hole: Spike Sword Quest Map 02.jpg

Once you get there, you can find some Fire Devils around... But the big place is actually here inside this pick hole (many Fire Devils there, watch out!):

Oh, one more tip about the place: Some Fire Devils are unreachable! So make sure to bring avalanches/icicles to get rid of the mobs isolated on islands!

I recommend going there in order to finish bestiary. Using a Experience prey might be a good idea! It is easy to hunt here with a Stealth Ring and access to area runes, along with ice damage!

My source was the old fansite TibiaRoyal but the links are broken and the fansite no longer exists. Alternatively, you can visit Tibia Wiki

by (1,582 points)
It reminds me of a spiderman meme, where he points on himself, you answer your own question xD
by (5,796 points)
What I did here is a common procedure for Tibia QA. Usually I like to throw a question without an answer and wait for people to come up with a solution (I am probably the isolated top 1 regarding questions in this fansite at the moment).
But yes, it looks like a bit funny now that you mentioned this meme. The important part is that it might help someone in the future!