+1 vote
by (31 points)
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Hi guys,

Me and a friend want to do hunts together only we dont know where.

we did some dragons draogn lords gs etc... but its not very profitable or good exp.

we both are free account and have acces to yalahar.

anyone have any ideas?

we are levels: 60-80
thanks in advance
by (2,564 points)
Hi @tibianold
Answers to your question will vary greatly depending on your character levels. You might want to add that to your question. Cheers!
by (31 points)
thanks i forgot haha, i have added the levels now :)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (39 points)
Hi @tibianold, hope you're fine.

The problem with facc hunting is that you'll not be able to make good exp, but I can help you. The best place for you guys is in the Arena Quarter, killing Mutated Tigers, Rats, Bats, and undead gladiators. The exp will probably be higher than Dragon Lords since you'll be able to kill them a lot faster and the profit is going to be higher since the sabretooth is quite expensive. There are other spots for you guys to try, but none will be as good as it is there. Here is a list of places you can try:

1 - Mutated Tigers, arena quarter. Decent exp and good profit

2 - Undeads west of the castle, cemetery quarter. Decent exp and decent profit

3 - Bog raiders and mutated tiger, alchemist quarter. Lower exp and good profit

4 - Hellspawn and gozzler surface, magician quarter. Decent exp and decent profit

Hope any of this places suit you. Have a nice weekend!
by (31 points)
Hi Thank you for the reply. We will try to all of those and see which ones seems perfect for us :)
Thank you for sharing!