In the Winter Update of 2022, the Wheel of Destiny was introduced to the game, revealing a previously hidden defensive combat status called Mitigation. This status is applied to all battle entities (creatures, bosses, and characters) and serves as a modifier that reduces the damage taken from attacks. However, at the time, its exact impact on characters was not entirely clear. Players could acquire mitigation multipliers by spending points on dedication perks related to mitigation on the Wheel.
One year later, in the Winter Update of 2023, Tibia introduced the Gem Atelier, which added a new way to enhance Mitigation. Players could now place gems that directly affect this status, providing an additional layer to improve their defensive capabilities.
In the Winter Update of 2024, CipSoft improved the transparency of combat statuses, offering better insights into both offensive and defensive stats. As a result, players can now see the values contributing to their Mitigation ability.
So, how is the current Mitigation status composed?