+4 votes
by (5,070 points)
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On Azzilon castle at the beginning we are not allowed to go to the lower floors on catacombs, for it the NPC says that we need to deliver some demonic core essences to unlock the stairs to the underground floors.

Knightmare on Antica info related to the question:

3 Answers

+1 vote
by (463 points)
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Best answer

The total amount needed is 6.000!

Confirmed by Tibiawiki.com.br (Portuguese):

The other answer saying it's 10.000 is wrong.

by (5,070 points)
On the audio they gave they say nothing related to the amount , and how they know? where are the evidence?
by (463 points)
On their Instagram page they said that they gathered 5422 essences on Venebra and delivered it all together, with 10% error margin, which is 5964.. so it can only be 6000.
0 votes
by (5,070 points)

After 3 days catacombs is opened on Secura here are the calculations:

  • broodrider inferniarches:

    • Last Day: 3
    • Last Week: 55419
    • Killed by Players Last Day: 3
    • Killed by Players Last Week: 122402
  • gorger inferniarches:

    • Last Day: 2
    • Last Week: 54188
    • Killed by Players Last Day: 5
    • Killed by Players Last Week: 120797
  • sineater inferniarches:

    • Last Day: 2
    • Last Week: 53247
    • Killed by Players Last Day: 2
    • Killed by Players Last Week: 118716

 From this we can make an estimation of how much essences has been looted , since all of this 3 monsters have the demonic core essece as semi rare drop (1-5% chance)  then we can do some calculations:

Using a fixed drop rate of 2.5%, the calculations would be as follows:

  1. broodrider inferniarches: 122402×0.025= 3060(approximately).
  2. gorger inferniarches: 120797×0.025= 3020(approximately).
  3. sineater inferniarches: 118716×0.025= 2967(approximately).

Total estimated drops: 2299+2271+22359047demonic core essences (catacombs opened!!).

This is data from 26 , 27 and 28 of November.

That calculations I made are with a average 2.5% drop of the essence but the range of drop is from 1% to 5% so in the image below you can see the minimum essences dropped and maximum.

On 28 november after 3 days catacombs are open on Secura. after calculations the range is between 3618 (1% drop) and 18095 (5% drop) so with a high probability the amount of essences needed to deliver to open catacombs is on the middle of that range;

(3618 + 18095) / 2 = 10865 and if we round this number we get the value and the answer to this question:

 10000 Demonic core essences


Tibia official server kill statistics; https://www.tibia.com/community/?subtopic=killstatistics 

by (226 points)
It's a good answer, but you should consider that many people will not have handed in their cores immediately (maybe they are waiting for 100, or put them on the market), so I wouldn't be surprised if the real number is 5000.
by (5,070 points)
Im sure is more than 5000 because here on Secura some guilds were counting how much they deliver in total and only 1 guild delivered more than 4000
by (1,949 points)
10k seems like a pretty reasonable number to me, but it is also necessary to consider that many players hunted using loot prey and/or wealth duplex.
by (226 points)
Yes, after more thought I think you're probably right with 10,000. Judging from the market offers, there were not that many on the servers that had opened catacombs so far.
0 votes
by (14 points)
In Celesta we tracked how many cores were delivered by asking players who were hunting in the Castle and using Discord to update the tracker. At the time the Catacombs opened, we were tracking 3800 cores delivered.