+2 votes
by (3,827 points)
Does the npc or any server log message is shown to warn the players when it will open or is open after server save or before it?

1 Answer

+4 votes
by (195 points)
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One of the ways to find out is through a message that appears only to those who are online when the amount of Demonic Core Essences has been delivered:

The mists in Azzilon have retreated!

It appears as a raid/event message on your screen and server log. For those of you who weren't online at the time the server reached the required amount, I didn't notice any other possible ways to check remotely, so you'll just have to check on the spot.

The underground is opened instantly, without having to wait for the server save.

by (1,212 points)
It Is not necessary to deliver 100 cores to access the underground.
You only need to deliver them to do the Quest.
Btw the underground has 4 floors, -1 to -3 are free access but you need to deliver 1600 cores to enter -4.

I can afirm this information because It is alrrady open in my server and i was hunting in underground without delivered any core.
by (360 points)
Can you please share a screenshot with the blocked access to -4? What happens when you try to enter it? The Wiki says it's 1600 essences to enter, but the Wiki also said it was 100 essences to enter -1 and it was wrong. I looking for confirmation about -4 access.
by (1,212 points)
1600 cores yo enter -4 Is 100% true. If you dont have It you just hmm "bounce" when try to enter. Ill take a video and post it here as an edit tomorrow.

About the 100 cores to enter -1, no. All my characters (bombs) can enter.
by (1,212 points)
Here is the video of what happen when you try to enter -4.
