0 votes
by (452 points)
Considering we need them to progress in the No Rest for the Wicked quest, we also need 51.200 total essences to get the Tear the Toxic Veil achievement and people on my World are selling it for 100k each, how many essences can you get (average) per hour?
by (17,406 points)
We will let this question remain, however, if you want a specific response please include your level or vocation for example.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (1,874 points)
The amount will depend on how many creatures you can kill per hour. Considering the total number of creatures I killed to drop 100 demonic core essences, I would say that the average is 1 drop for every 40 kills.

In my case (MS 1200+), I dropped an average of 15-20 essences per hour. But it is important to note that I was sharing the respawn with other players.
by (452 points)
Nice, what I want to know is how much of them you can drop hunting full respawn with a party or solo, without sharing the respawn. For example, you hunt there alone for 1 hour, maybe even using Gut on one of them. How many can you drop with full potential?
by (1,874 points)
edited by
I'm afraid there's no way to give you this information in such a precise way. It's necessary to take into account some factors, such as your vocation, level, equipments and the way you hunt. The same goes if you're going to hunt in PT.