+2 votes
by (1,594 points)
If you check the Raging Mage's tower after server save you'll notice that he won't be there. In fact, you need to wait a while for it to appear and you can start farming yielothaxes.

Is there any logic in this "respawn" time? Is it a set time, or is it random every day?

1 Answer

0 votes
by (17,410 points)

 My answer for when the dimensional portal with Yielothaxes appears has been officially confirmed by a CMTo put it short, the dimensional portal appears at a random time after server save. If the portal is there the Mad Mage hasn't spawned yet. The portal is related to The Mage's Tower world change which has seen several changes but I want to explain in detail about the world change to avoid confusion-

  • 2000 Yielothax need to be killed for the Raging Mage to spawn
  • You need to kill a total of 250 Yielothax in order to kill the Raging Mage
  • The Energized Raging Mage can be killed twice for the Mageslayer achievement. You'll see the Energized Raging Mage if the portal is still there which means 2000 Yielothax haven't been killed yet nor has the Mad Mage spawned. Please note you will not loot anything from the Energized Raging Mage as he needs to be turned into the Raging Mage for loot. The Raging Mage is best known for the Elemental Spikes which is for the Elementalist Outfits
  • The Mad Mage spawns once a day as long as 2000 Yielothax is killed. When he's killed In your server log you'll see this message: The remains of the Raging Mage are scattered on the floor of his Tower. The dimensional portal quakes.
  • The dimension disappears 5 minutes after Raging Mage has been killed. And it will say this in your server log: With a great bang the dimensional portal in Zao collapsed and with it the connection to the other dimension shattered.
  • The dimension will reappear again at a random time after server save as the world change takes place every day.


Adjustments of The Mage's Tower:

In order to weaken the Energised Raging Mage, 2000 Yielothax need to be killed now. To be able to take part in the fight against the Raging Mage, a character has to kill 250 Yielothax from now on. Another Dimension will now collapse 5 minutes after the Raging Mage has been killed. Furthermore, the world change will now start once a day as opposed to once every two days, and it will take place at a random time after server save.

(Sept 15 2020) Official CM confirmation and response

(Oct 09 2013) Content Fixes and Changes

(Tibia Fandom) World change quotes 
