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Recently I came back to Tibia playing. I get 33 lvl druid for some runemaking. Can You tell me where I can safetly afk and do some runemaking? I found ab'dendriel rotworms - on the way to sweaty cyclop. But the respawn is too slow especialy when there is low amount of players (when I'm at work and I can keep making runes). Any ideas where I can afk and make runes nearby depot, and nobody can overlure me woth monsters while I'm working?
by (17,406 points)
Are you premium or promoted? Did you know about regeneration in depots and some other places like houses? https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Daily_Reward_System aside from this, great question.
Ohhh didn't know. But still I'm now hunting FACC dwarf guards - retro style :) FACC right now mby with RP I'll go for PACC and offline training?
by (17,406 points)
Whatever you decide to do! Offline training is great for sure

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (127 points)
Kazordoon brewery, there're about a dozen normal dwarfs 1 stair hop away from safety. No way to lure monsters onto you as it is a closed off room. Nearby depot