Revisions for post #35831

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Current revisionEdited May 4 by shawtay

Afk Where can I afk for runemaking and soul points regeneration?

(Content unchanged)
Posted May 4 by anonymous

Afk runemaking and soul points regeneration?

Recently I came back to Tibia playing. I get 33 lvl druid for some runemaking. Can You tell me where I can safetly afk and do some runemaking? I found ab'dendriel rotworms - on the way to sweaty cyclop. But the respawn is too slow especialy when there is low amount of players (when I'm at work and I can keep making runes). Any ideas where I can afk and make runes nearby depot, and nobody can overlure me woth monsters while I'm working?
Tags set to rune soul-points afk
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