+1 vote
Hello pals, as far as I remember there was a limit for items in depot and it was 10 000 pieces. Today I have exceeded this limit and actually I have 10125 items in my depot. At same time my mailbox is totally empty. I can still put more items to my depot without any problems, so my question is what is actual limit of items?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (564 points)

According to TibiaWiki, after 2015 the limit for premium players is 15 000 items (stacks).

Free Account players can store a total of 2,000 items across all depot boxes, whereas Premium players can store 15,000.

Furthermore, every stack of 100 in your Stash will take one slot.

Mailbox is not counted towards the limit. So, when you exceed the limit, as a workaround you may send some items to yourself. (Works great for me, as with FACC I store most of consumables organized in my mailbox.)

by (109 points)
Thank you for answer, my research was not efficient because other websites still have information with 10k item limit.