+1 vote
by (17,406 points)
After a hunt I always stow my loot. I have items I want to keep in my backpacks at all times. How can I avoid stowing away the items I want to keep in my backpack? What I'm asking is there a way to lock in specific items so they can't be stowed? Pretty much I'm lazy about redoing my whole backpack essentials and want to know if something has been implemented to stow certain items and not others.

1 Answer

+3 votes
by (4,384 points)
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No, it hasn't. The only way is keeping loot in a separated backpack and dragging that specific backpack into the stash.

Thats how I do after a hunt... This way I dont have to "Right click" + "Stow all items of this type" 50x
I just drag the loot bp into the stash (some people don't know that you can drag a container into the stash and it will stow every item inside.

This way, the items you have that are outside that backpack are safe...
by (17,406 points)
"some people don't know that you can drag a container into the stash and it will stow every item inside." YUP didn't know this...what..thanks so MUCH lol
by (2,271 points)
Me too. Thank you so much for this. Great information to know