Hello Goldie,
I will say the same that last question,
Its all about luck,
How many times you will get number 2 throwing a dice? Every time you trhow it, you have 1/6 chances to get numer 2,
Sometimes in 100 trhows you will get 10, other times 20 and other times 55.
With Critial Strike Imbue, you have 10% to activate this critical hit,
What this means? Theoreticaly, every 10 hits you will triger 1 critical hit, but thats not true,
You can be super lucky and throw 10 times a 10faces die and all this times get number 1
But you can throw it too 10 times and dont get a single number 1.
Tahts how critical hits works.
I hope i helped you,