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by (1,389 points)
Hello, I recently discovered that we can create groups in VIP list. My question is, how many of them can we make? Is there any limit?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (17,406 points)
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Yes, there's a limit that depends on if you have a free account or a premium account.

  1. Both account types have these predefined groups- "Friends", "Enemies" "Trading Partners" and "No Group"
  2. Along with these default groups, premium players can create up to 5 additional groups with a name of their choice.

This means if you don't count the "No Group" premium players can have 8 VIP groups and free accounts can have just the 3 predefined groups. Make sure you right-click your VIP list to show groups. Remember, you cannot edit/remove the predefined groups.
