+1 vote
by (782 points)
When a player begins hunting a new respawn, what is the best approach for each vocation to start hunting a respawn if limited information is available? Is there ideal imbuements, equipment and/or rings/amulets recommended to test out the respawn?

Keep in mind I am asking this question based off the fact that wiki may not always have information on spawns and creatures within the spawn.
by (5,801 points)
Good question! This happens every time for people that do not engage in the Test Server!

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (282 points)
I think that after each update on the tibia page there is a section with monsters. There they give clues as to what those monsters are weak to. On the other hand to know what to attack with you can go to the respawn 5- 10 minutes and test with different runes or spells to see which one you hit more. The impact analyzer and damage analyzer are very useful to know what to hit with and what they hit with.
+1 vote
I would recommend being aware of your potions. Because if your hunting is not succesful, at least you'll get an Idea on how to approach it either next time or never again. You could watch a video on the hunting place to see if it fits your vocation. Sometimes being high doesn't mean you are fit to a certain place. Some people think that being Higher would make you automatically fit everywhere, but that's just not the case. Remember to watch your blessings, your equipment percentage and  how worn your soft boots are ;).  Rings are a must too. But as I said first, Potions.

Everything else will depend on how fast paced you are, your alertness and That's pretty much it.