+1 vote
by (1,210 points)
In Iksupan there are ancient amphoras you can break which will spawn a Benevolent Spirit that some orange text and disappears in about 2 turns. The amphoras then respawn in a red, blue, or cracked variation.

Does any one have any idea what the purpose of this is?

1 Answer

+3 votes
I was destroying amphoras whole day today, nothing extraordinary happened. The ghost just heals you for 250 hp. I thought, that maybe it's a mechanic connected with the Mystic Jaguar, but from what I've read, the amphoras were there since Iksupan was introduced, you can find them on upper floors too.

So no idea, curious if anyone finds out anything interesting, except the heal.
Have you noticed that only one of them appears to be filled with something ? all colors says "ancient amphora. It's empty" but the cracked one doesn't say that is empty ... so maybe if we let all of them the same could anything happen ?