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by (1,205 points)
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Since the broken iks addon items are considered creature produces, would the gut charm increase my chances of looting them if one of the Iks creatures were selected for the charm?

1 Answer

+2 votes
by (224 points)
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Best answer

Yes. You already answered your own question.

When Gut  is selected on a creature there is a 20% chance that an extra loot roll will be generated for the creature products (including the Broken Iks items) but do not get blinded by the 20% because what that truly means is: if a creature product has a 5% drop rate, it will be raised to 6% with the Gut charm. 

If you are trying to loot one of the Broken Iks addon items you can use Loot prey on one or two creatures. 

by (1,205 points)
Thank you for confirming. I've done a few hunts with the charm applied and 0 luck. I felt that the charm rarely procs and even when it did, I didn't loot the broken Iks items. I was indeed blinded by the "20%" but it makes sense that it only increases the drop rate from 5% to 6%.