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by (10 points)
view edits | bumped ago by
When getting the old aucar outfit addon, do the broken iks items that are worn or kept disappear?
by (5,523 points)
I'm not sure what you did but there were some display issues with this question and another answer of yours. I edited it and changed the paragraph from "Formatted" to "Normal" and that resolved it. Keep an eye on it in the future!

2 Answers

+1 vote
ago by (127 points)
All 4 pieces of equipment disapear (spear is not needed), i just did that addon today
0 votes
by (59 points)
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Best answer
My friend mentioned achievement (I believe so) that keeps all items on you if you have done it before. I'm not sure if it's true tho, my other mate lost all items except spear while doing this addon. Hope this helps a bit