+2 votes
by (287 points)
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Hello guys! I have 130EK and 205 RP. Can You tell me which are the most profitable monsters to hunt with the gut charm?

I was thinking about a worm priest. What are your suggestions?

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (1,181 points)

Asura palace Midnight Asura.gif Dawnfire Asura.gif should be fine if you dont lure to many and use correct protections.

lower roshamul and roshamuul bridge Frazzlemaw.gif 

Putrid Mummy.gif in cults of tibia darashia they drop backpack imbuement item that worth a good ammount in almost every server also drop an eye that worth 1k

0 votes
by (170 points)

Depending on your server places probably GrimeleechGrimeleech, Some Grimeleech Wings Some Grimeleech Wings can go for 8+ k on many worlds you can try them on 4Ferumbras' Ascension

by (1,452 points)
dont mean to be rude but i hardly doubt a 130 ek or 205 rp can kill a grimeleech without having HUGE risk
by (170 points)
You are right, missed the part about the lvl and voc sorry. It's possible to hunt them with the RP and one or two mages with summons tho.