0 votes
by (594 points)
I'm not asking about magic level, rather typical skills. Now that there are all those afk-weapons and offline training, is it still worth it in current Tibia to train manually?
by (17,406 points)
At flag- question isn't opinion based and could be seen as wondering if the speed of training is worth the time to manually train compared to exercise weapons. A good answer in my eyes would include the difference in the two trainings.
by (594 points)
Im quite satisfied with current answer but still want to see what people may come up with.

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (1,534 points)
It's possible and you will train as you used to do back then but in terms of time spent? nope, not at all. In most cases is even Faster, cheaper, and more player friendly to farm the gold price of a training weapon than taking care of your character from time to time to get the same amount of points progression (in all skills for any vocation).

It's not worth it because you must anyway stay at the computer taking care of whatever you are doing to get progression: attacking a mob, rune-making, wasting mana, etc, so if you will either way take care of the activity it's better to just go hunt and obtain gold to use it on a training weapon that is completely afk for as much as it last, it's even faster if you just use tibia coins to obtain gold so it's unworthy in most if not all cases.
0 votes
by (15 points)
Personally, training with loose moobs that won't take a drop of blood from you, in my case, for example minotaurs, takes advantage of skin. AFK training is much more effective in the time / skill / GP trilogy. By investing in the character, you will attack and/or defend much faster in a hunt.