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by (152 points)
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What is the lowest level required to do the measuring tibia quest? Thank you in advance
by (17,406 points)
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https://www.tibiaqa.com/1593/easiest-regions-to-collect-points-of-interest is already asked so I edited your question to just leave the 2nd question
by (564 points)
I've started to compile a level requirements on this TibiaWiki page: https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Measuring_Tibia_Quest/Spoiler#The_Wide_World

2 Answers

+1 vote
by (152 points)

This quest doesn't have a level requirement per se, but in order to finish some of the areas it's required to have a minimum level.

The 11 easiest areas are:

 - Ab'Dendriel

 - Carlin

 - Thais

 - Venore

 - Kazordoon

 - Northern Darama

 - Edron

 - Feyrist

 - Krailos

 - Quirefang

 - Hrodmir

I was able to complete the areas above at lvl 112 playing solo.

The next easiest ones are:

 - Yalahar: possibly will have to face plaguesmith, destroyer, hellspawn and a couple of other stronger creatures but other than that it's fine.

 - Marapur: You need to partially complete the quest Within the Tides in order to gain access to Marapur, and this quest requires going to Asura Palace and killing a few bosses. Could be done earlier, but recommended for lvl 200+. Other than that, after you get access to Marapur, the actual discovery process is very easy because all the subareas are surface-only (no need to go into any cave).

 - Tiquanda: Oskayaat, Asura Palace and Medusa Tower could bring some trouble. Other subareas are easy.

 - Southern Darama: Tombs require some effort but it's doable. Cobra Bastion requires lvl 250 to enter. Other subareas are easy.

 - Vandura: Kharos is a bit difficult. Bounac requires lvl 250. Other subareas are easy.

 - Zao: Razachai is a bit difficult but doable (specially if you have friends to help). Falcon Bastion requires lvl 250 to enter. Other subareas are easy.

 - Oramond: You need to partially complete the Dark Trails Quest in order to access Oramond Mountain Hideout. Other subareas are easy.

The two last and most difficult areas are:

 - Roshamuul

 - Kilmaresh

by (17,406 points)
Is this true with Cobra Bastion and bounac?
+1 vote
by (17 points)
Minimum level to complete all areas is 250, coz bounac and cobra bastion is restricted acess to lvl250+