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Hello guys, im discovering Darashia, Nort Darama.

I finish all zones but i need to discover: Ashta'Daramai ( Blue Djinn Fortress ) i cant start discover it because im not able to put " Start Discovering" in that zone, what i can do ? i can sell items in Green djin only.

what to do? i got at this moment 80% and the other 20% is in that place.
by (1,557 points)
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Well, if you are sure  that have some discovery point inside this area that you can not access, you might reset and start it all over again.
I have 80% in darashia but the last 20% is that area and it does not allow me to discover it. ( ASHTA'DARAMAI)
Is it because it is the strength of Blue dijin and I only have access to green dijin?

It is as if I discovered thais, but do not let me discover the city of thais, only its surroundings
by (5,523 points)
I don't have access to login now to verify but there shouldn't be an area to discover in the Blue Djinn fortress. I believe there is an area in the mountains that covers all the dragon lairs but the fortress itself should not be one.
by (5,730 points)
I done Northern Darama and this was the places I discover to finish it: Darashia is divided in 5 subareas: Drefia, Northern Darama Desert (Includes West and Nort), Lion's Rock, Darashia City and Darashia Minotaur Pyramid. If you can add a pic or your map It will be really helpful to help you.

2 Answers

+3 votes
by (1,582 points)
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Both Djinn area are "out of discovery" it means that their names are gray and you don't need to discover them because they will discover themselves when you reach 100% so you miss some other terrain. Darashia has 5 areas, Drefia, Northern darama desert, Lion's rock, Darashia city and Daramian minotaur pyramid. So you most likely missed Lion's rock because it is small and hard to see on the surface

+1 vote
by (5,730 points)
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Hello Frederik!

The measuring quest, is adapted for each character so that's why no one find the Points of Interesting on same place.

If you don't have access to that place on the map it will show the name "Grey" instead of White:

For example I'm Blue Djinn, that's why the Green Djinn place looks grey on my map:

This situation also happens in Cormaya, Gray Island and all those places that are open only during events or special dates. 

So you just have to walk all around and check again because for sure there is a little point you are missing.

As a tip I recommend you download the map from Tibia Maps "without markers" you will have all map but it will shows a bit "shading" at the parts that you haven't walk, so there is a good way to know what  place exactly are you missing.

EDIT: I also recommend that you check the map on the upper and lower floors, in some cities they are also part of the search.

Good Luck on your search! 

by (5,730 points)
I already discovered all Darashia and I didnt needed enter to Djinn places... If you can explain me I will be glad.
by (1,582 points)
He has no problem with finding points of interest, he tried to discover djinn areas but couldn't (because they are gray and "out of discovery") and asks how to discover darashi area. So as darashia only has 5 zones to discover which I mentioned in my answer he must have overlooked one of them. Your answer is not wrong in itself, but in my opinion it does not answer his problem ^^
by (5,730 points)
Oh, I got ya- well I started with that just cuz I considered important to say.