0 votes
by (235 points)
I was hunting elephants in Tiquanda and suddenly came across a hydra. Well, for a low level hunting creatures like tigers, crocodiles, tarantulas, elephants, centipedes, etc., finding a hydra out of nowhere is quite a "surprise".

So I was thinking: are there other places like that? Places where you are hunting creatures in a certain level range, and then you can come across a much stronger creature on the same floor?
by (564 points)
I personally find the Pirats raids to be the most surprising. You can just wander around Darashia or leave Thais for trolls and die in a few turns...

3 Answers

+2 votes
by (152 points)
- On Yalahar's Magician Quarter, you're walking through necromancers and gozzlers and suddenly find one or more hellspawns;
- On Oskayaat, if you cross the beach you go from flamingos and crocodiles to feral werecrocodile;
- On Plains of Havoc you're easily attacked by giant spiders on an open ground;
- On the east side of The Big Old One, you can find a dragon on a open ground;
- If you consider bosses, on treasure island's blood crab cave, you could find crustacea gigantica, which is significantly stronger than a blood crab, at the same level;
- In some Ankrahmun tombs, you can find a warlock or a behemoth alongside much weaker creatures at the same level;
- On Rathleton's abandoned sewers, you can go from typical sewer creatures to a demon;
+1 vote
by (5,801 points)

I think that Plains of Havoc comes to mind. There is no level requirement and you can end up stumbling upon a Boss! The plain is at 0 Floor of Tibia Mainland, next to Venore. No access needed.

You find weak creatures like Wolf, Bat and Rat but also quite strong ones like Hunter, Wyvern, Giant Spider, Banshees (during raids) and even the only Vampire respawn on Free Account Area! If you are lucky (or unlucky) you can find the Boss The Old Widow! Good for Bosstiary if you are free account!

Source: Plains of Havoc | TibiaWiki | Fandom

by (235 points)
Nice one! Do you know other places like that?
+1 vote
by (1,534 points)
Yalahar dragons (serpent spawn at 1 part, hydra in the other part).
Magician Quarter Cults (2 serpent spawn at last floor with enlightened of the cult)
Feyrist (day and night transition changes completely the difficult of the mobs).
Middle Spike (Several crystal crushers scattered through the place which are considerably stronger than the average mob in there)
Gray island (both deeplings and hive are places that suddenly change from easy mobs to deathly enemies).
Asura Mirror (Facing lvl 150~ asuras till you a mob that does thrice the damage called "true asura")
MOTA (fury is the weakest mob in there by far, but is also the majority of the respawn, you could find hellhound, floating savants and demons).
Mino Cults (Mino zealot is the only thing that turn a lvl 50 hunt into a lvl 200 one).
Oramond Raids (surface west area, and all wildlife raid, beside they don't change the creature type, they add new ones in greater numbers)
Lower Roshamuul (beside you need a whole ss to trigger it, the sight of surrender apparition ruins the hunting ground for lower levels).
Anniversary Raid (deadly mobs appear in multiple low lvl areas, it just happen every 5 years tho).
Tarantula-Gs Cave (You find a hidden group of giant spiders in a floor of tarantulas)
Bounac Surface (it's a decent place to hunt deers, but if you happen to go near the crypt at night you will find crypt wardens which are extremely dangerous compared to a deer).