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by (1,205 points)
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Below are the messages when the raid starts and I assumed I had 30 minutes to enter the teleporter to the lair however I couldn't enter close to the 30 minute mark. Unfortunately I didn't note the exact time but if I had to guess it was around 27 minutes after the first raid message. I definitely turned in the 3 nightshades and killed 50 werecreatures. So my question is, how much time after the first raid message do I have to enter Feroxa's lair? 

Feroxa messages :

  1. Grimvale drowns in werecreatures as the full moon reaches its apex and ancient evil returns.
  2. Half of the current full moon is visible now, there are still a lot of clouds in front of it.
    (This will be triggered between 16 and 18 minutes after the first message.)
  3. The full moon is completely exposed: Feroxa awaits!
    (This will be triggered exactly 4 minutes after the previous message.)
  4. All characters in Feroxa's antechamber will be teleported and the boss battle will begin.
    (This will be triggered exactly 10 minutes after the previous message.)

1 Answer

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by (224 points)
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There is no exact time when it comes to that question. The world messages from this world change are not precise like other world bosses (Morgaroth, Orshabaal, Ferumbras or Ghazbaran), the time stamps for Feroxa works just like you described it in the end of your question. I would recommend you to enter Feroxa's antechamber before 25 minutes after the first message so you can be on the safe side. Goodluck

by (1,205 points)
Thank you for explaining! I had no idea the world messages weren't precise! That's a really interesting difference from the other world bosses.