It takes 20 hours for portal to appear after the Raging Mage
(do not mix with Energized Raging Mage) is defeated. It does NOT reset with Server Save. What does it mean exactly?
- Once server kills 2000 Yielotax, and you killed 200 of them, you are able to kill Energized Raging Mage;
- Once Energized Raging Mage is defeated, Raging Mage is spawned at the Energized Raging Mage place and it can be killed;
- Once Raging Mage is defeated following Message appears :
The remains of the Raging Mage are scattered on the floor of his Tower. The dimensional portal quakes.
- After 5 minutes since message appears, gates are closing and following message appears:
With a great bang the dimensional portal in Zao collapsed and with it the connection to the other dimension shattered.
- The portal will appear 20 hours after Raging Mage is killed.