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by (3,816 points)
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Hello everyone!!

Do I need to complete the Grimvale quest or the curse spreads quest?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (5,051 points)
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It is not necessary to got the quest as "completed"

What you need to do is to complete 2 tasks:

  1. Collect 3 midnight purple nightshade blossoms. You can ask for the mission to Madryn (in the west house of the island) and pick Up one of them every half an hour in this areas (It is necessary to be close to the full moon days for this flowers to appear):
  2. Kill 50 werecreatures

The flowers task need to be reported to the npc, but there is no need to delivery them. In order to report the task after completing It is totally necessary to have 0 to 3 flowers with you maximum, otherwise she won't accept the report.

by (4,311 points)
We have to complete until mission 4, at least once haven't we? Also I would add that we have to the Silver Traps task, since nobody do that it's impossible to kill her.
by (5,051 points)
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It is not completely necessary to do until mission 4 to be able to enter the TP, as far as someone else has done It (activate the portal), the rest of the world Will be able to pass.
About the silver traps you are right, they are needed to make feroxa mortal, but once again, It is not mandatory to be you (each player) to do them, what it is more, you can use someone else's or let others to put them.
Ill try to add all this in an edit of the post as soon as possible.